life orientation grade 11 project 2020 memo



Life Orientation Grade 11 Project 2020 Memo

The Grade 11 Life Orientation course has devised a project for 2020, with the aim of teaching Grade 11 learners key skills that will help them in their future careers. This project is an important part of their progress in the South African Schooling System, and the following is a detailed description of the project:


Students will have to create a project portfolio, exploring the topic of ‘Career Readiness’. The portfolio must include:

    • A personal statement outlining the student’s unique career path.


    • A researched piece on the current job market.


    • An essay giving advice on how to succeed in the chosen career path.


    • Guest speakers, such as motivational speakers, or professionals in the field.


    • A presentation of key skills and learned insights.



The project must be completed by the 20th of October 2020.


The project will be marked out of 50 and will contribute 25% to the student’s overall grade.

Resources and Support

Students have access to the following resources in order to complete this project:

    • Online resources such as YouTube, Google Scholar and TED Talks.


    • Resources from the school library.


    • Assistance from teachers as well as outside sources.




The Life Orientation Course wishes every Grade 11 learner best of luck in completing this project and encourages every student to strive to do their best. MEMO

To: Grade 11 Learners

From: Life Orientation Teacher

Subject: Life Orientation Grade 11 Project 2020


This memo serves to introduce the Life Orientation Grade 11 project for 2020. This project is designed to enable Grade 11 learners to take the initiative on an individual or group project that enhances the skills learned in the classroom.

Projects can range from creating a community service campaign to developing a new school polices. The main focus for this project is for each learner to broaden their skills, reflect critically on the chosen topic, and demonstrate the development of their own leadership and communication skills.

Projects must meet the following criteria in order to be approved:

1. Projects must demonstrate initiative, creativity, and problem solving.

2. Projects must have a clear purpose and objective.

3. Projects must challenge the learner to think critically and demonstrate leadership.

4. Projects must have a clear plan of implementation, timeline and evaluation methods.

Projects must be presented to the Life Orientation Teacher for approval before the start of the project. The teacher will provide guidance on the project’s design, implementation and evaluation process.

The successful completion of this project will count as 30% of the total grade in Life Orientation.

If you any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your teacher.

We look forward to seeing the wonderful projects that will be created by our eager Learners!


Life Orientation Teacher

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