GCRA | Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) – Gauteng region academy



Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA)

The Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) is an educational institution that is dedicated to the growth and development of the Gauteng region. Through innovative learning and research, GCRA is helping to build a better future for the residents of Gauteng by providing educational opportunities to individuals from a range of backgrounds.

Innovation and Learning

At GCRA, innovation and learning are at the heart of everything we do. We foster an environment that encourages creativity and encourages individuals to develop the skills necessary to compete in a global economy.

From cutting-edge technology courses to business and entrepreneurship programmes, our courses are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge to build a successful career in their chosen field.

Research and Development

GCRA is also dedicated to research and development. The Academy has a strong focus on research and analysis in order to identify and support the region’s most pressing problems. Through the research conducted at the Academy, we are better able to inform development activities and policies in the region.

Community Engagement

We believe that the Gauteng region is only as strong as its people. We are committed to engaging local communities and providing positive opportunities to residents of the region.

We have a range of activities and programmes aimed at connecting all members of the Gauteng region and empowering them to become active and engaged citizens.

Employment Support

At GCRA, we also recognise the importance of providing employment support for our students. We offer a range of services such as career advice, CV and interview preparation and job search assistance.

We also offer a range of employment opportunities including internships, placements and job vacancies.


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Mpumalanga Department of education bursary application form


At GCRA, our mission is to build a better future for the Gauteng region through the provision of innovative learning and research opportunities. We are committed to providing quality and access to all members of the Gauteng region through our unique range of courses, opportunities and community engagement activities. The Gauteng City Region Academy (GCRA) is an organisation that is dedicated to promoting development and innovation in the Gauteng region of South Africa. Founded in 2011, its mission is to create an intellectual and entrepreneurial hub in the province that can foster the development of innovative technologies and create jobs.

GCRA is an independent, non-profit organization that works to promote the region’s technological development and new business opportunities by connecting the region’s universities and research institutions with the broader economy. GCRA provides a range of initiatives, including a three-month accelerator program and a six-month incubator program to help entrepreneurs bring their ideas and business proposals to life. It also provides an online platform, the Gauteng Business Navigator, which allows entrepreneurs to access information and resources, including legal assistance, business advice, and funding opportunities.

In addition to its activities, GCRA organizes regular tech-related events and seminars to promote the development of new technologies and accelerate the growth of the Gauteng region. These events often include panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions to provide entrepreneurs and organizations with the opportunity to come together and share their experiences and expertise. GCRA also provides mentoring services, helps startups access funding, and provides access to markets and partners.

The Academy believes in creating an environment that encourages innovation and removes any barriers to success. It believes that the province’s future economic growth depends on the development of innovative solutions, and as such, is committed to creating a vibrant and diverse culture that supports the launch and growth of startups and SMEs.

Through its activities and initiatives, GCRA is helping to build an inspiring, creative, and connected environment in Gauteng that cultivates high-tech businesses, bolsters research and training, and encourages the growth of knowledge-intensive industries. In line with the Gauteng Provincial Government’s commitment to the region’s development, GCRA is dedicated to creating an enabling environment that will help the province to fulfil its potential.

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