Year 13 Results 2023 – year 13 exam results 2023



Year 13 Results 2023

Due to the unprecedented year we have had in 2020 and 2021, the class of 2023 will face a rather different set of examinations from their peers from previous years. With the effects of covid-19 still looming over us, this year’s Year 13 exams will be later and shorter than usual, and with a variety of changes.

Key Dates and Deadlines

The key dates and deadlines for Year 13 Results 2023 are as follows:

    • 24th May: Results will be released at 8am in the morning.


    • 27th May: Students can get their results online, with schools being able to receive them before this.


    • 4th June: A-level and GCSE certificates will be sent out to schools.


Changes to Examinations

Due to the pandemic, exams are expected to be shorter and easier than in previous years. This means that many of the more difficult questions may have been removed from the curriculum, and it is probable that more emphasis will be put on continuous assessment than in past years.

It is also expected that there will be more “make-up” exams, meaning that any student who misses an exam for valid Covid-related reasons, such as being in self-isolation, will be able to catch up on their work at a later date.

Impact on Grading System

Perhaps one of the most significant changes will be in the grading system itself. Most examination boards have adopted a new, nine-point grading system, with a grade one being the highest and a grade nine the lowest.

It is expected that the vast majority of grades will be in the “middle band” of six, seven and eight, so it is worth bearing in mind that a ‘good grade’ may look significantly different than in past years.

For further information, students will want to reach out to their teachers, schools or examination boards.



The importance of Year 13s being well-informed of the changes to the examination system cannot be overstated in the run-up to the exams. As a result, the class of 2023 should take the time to understand the change in grading systems and any updated exam dates, so that they can be adequately prepared for the results in May.

Good luck to all students entering their Year 13 exams! The results for the 2023 year 13 exams have been released and it is now clear that students have succeeded in achieving some excellent results.

Many schools across the country achieved their best ever scores in the exams. This is clear evidence of hard work and dedication from teachers, students and parents.

Students across the UK achieved an “Overall Above Average” grade for their exams and it is likely that more students are continuing their education in colleges and universities.

Students collated some impressive scores in the English Language and Literature exams, with an overall grade of “A”, surpassing last year’s grade of “B”. This was replicated in the Mathematics exams and this again was an improvement on last year’s results.

Overall, students have successfully and positively competed with the other countries in the European Union to the highest level ever seen.

Encouragingly, the 2023 year 13 results demonstrate that students have developed positive personality traits such as self-confidence, resilience and tenacity. These skills are extremely important for successful student learning and will serve them well in their future educational and professional endeavours.

Furthermore, this year’s excellent results have come about due to a combination of improved teaching methods, personal development programmes and an uplifting atmosphere at many schools.

The 2023 year 13 results are a fruitful reminder of how far UK education has come in recent years and their high standards can only be regarded as an example to other countries of what can be achieved in the educational system.

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