Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) Joining Instructions and Prospectus 2023/2024


Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) Joining Instructions and Prospectus 2023/2024

The Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) invites prospective students to apply to join the University for the 2023/2024 academic year. This article provides detailed instructions for applying and includes information about SMU’s prospectus for the year.

Application Process

Before applying, it’s important to make sure that you meet the University’s entrance requirements. These can be found on SMU’s website.

If you have met the requirements needed to apply, the following steps must be taken:

    • Visit the SMU website and click on the ‘Apply’ tab.


    • Follow the instructions until you reach the ‘Payment’ page. Here you will be asked to pay the application fee.


    • Once the payment has been made, you will receive two emails which provide a login link to the application portal.


    • Once logged in, complete all relevant sections of the application form, including the curriculum section.


    • Submit your application and wait for a response from the University.



SMU’s prospectus for 2023/2024 provides a valuable resource for prospective students. It outlines the academic programmes that are available and provides more detail on the university’s facilities, extra-curricular activities, financial assistance, entry requirements, application process and more.

The prospectus can be downloaded from SMU’s website. For those who would prefer a physical copy, these are also available from the university student centre.






We hope that this article has provided useful information about applying to SMU and the prospectus available to view. With the right preparation, you can make sure you have the best possible chance of being accepted to study at this prestigious university.

Good luck with your application!

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