Sol Plaatje University (SPU) Joining Instructions and Prospectus 2023/2024


Sol Plaatje University (SPU) Joining Instructions and Prospectus 2023/2024

Conveniently located in the middle of the African continent, Sol Plaatje (SPU) is one of the top South African universities, committed to providing quality education to all.

Joining Instructions

At Sol Plaatje University, joining instructions are quite easy and simple to follow. Here are some important things to remember before applying for the admission:

    • Undergraduate Programmes: All undergraduate programmes require a matric certificate with higher grade scores in the area of the degree.


    • Postgraduate Programmes: Postgraduate programmes at SPU usually require a minimum of 1-2 years experience in the relevant field and a Honours, Postgraduate Diploma, or Masters degree.


    • Registration & Fees: Once you’re accepted, you’ll need to register with the University and pay the necessary tuition fees.


    • Online Application: Complete the online application form available at SPU website and submit the required documents.



Lastly, before applying to Sol Plaatje University you should read the detailed prospectus available on the website. There are a number of facilities and scholarships available at SPU and you should be aware of them before applying.






The Prospectus contains important information regarding courses, academic regulations, student charter, residence and other facilities. It is important to read and understand the information as it will help you choose the right university and degree programme to meet your academic and career needs.

So, if you’re interested in joining Sol Plaatje University, make sure to read the joining instructions and prospectus and apply accordingly. Good luck!

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