waec grading system 2022



WAEC Grading System 2022

WAEC, West African Examination Council, is evolving the examination council’s grading system. Starting 2022, schools all across West Africa will be using the new, enhanced grading system in order to evaluate the results of students.

What’s Changing?

    • Grade Point Average (G.P.A) – The Grade Point Average (GPA) will change from the current 6-point scale (A, B, C, D, E, F) to a 9-point scale (A1, B2, B3, C4, C5, C6, D7, E8, F9). This eliminates the need for schools to use the “D” & “E” grades to differentiate between levels of achievement.

      BECE Scores and Grades

      The following are the BECE marks and grades that you must know in order to calculate your aggregate.

      • 90-100 is graded as 1, GRADE AA+. It is the HIGHEST grade in the grading system.
      • 80-89, the second category in this classification is graded as 2, GRADE A. it is denoted as HIGHER.
      • 70-79, is grade 3, a B+, and is described as HIGH.
      • 60 -69 is grade 4, GRADE B, described as HIGH AVERAGE.
      • 55 – 60 is GRADE C+, classified as 5, and described as AVERAGE.
      • LOW AVERAGE is a description of marks falling between 50-54 and GRADE C; number 6 in the grading system.
      • Any mark ranging between 40-49 is considered as GRADE D+ and number 7; is described as LOW
      • 35-39 is GRADE E which is number 8, described as LOWER in the Stanine grading system.
      • GRADE F, 9 characterized by 9 is the LOWEST grade, which falls between 0-34.


    • Weightings & Adjustments – The new grading system will also include weighting specific subjects. For example, a student’s grade in Mathematics will be weighted higher than Language subjects. This change will allow schools to better assess and differentiate the student’s performance in different subjects.


    • Coding System – WAEC also plans to introduce a new Coding System. This system will assign each student a code upon completion of their exams. This code can then be used to view the student’s grades online.



The new system is expected to benefit schools and students in the following ways:

    • Students will be provided with an accurate evaluation of their performance.


    • Schools will see a decrease in their administrative burden, as their workloads are expected to reduce.


    • Schools will have greater flexibility in creating and administering their own examinations.


    • The new system will allow for a better comparison of results across different schools.

      How to Compute BECE Scores for School Placement

      For all candidates who took the BECE exams and are eagerly awaiting the results. It is not uncommon for students to inquire about how to calculate BECE results and the BECE grading scale.

      It could be the fear or anxiety of being accepted into a good senior high school for some.

      The BECE examination is one of the most important in Ghana’s educational system. It is critical to understand the WAEC grading system and the procedure used by the examination body to calculate BECE results in order to improve your performance and confidence.


WAEC’s new grading system is set to make a positive impact on examination results in West Africa. The changes are scheduled to take effect in 2022, providing enough time for the schools to adjust to the new system. The West African Examination Council (WAEC) is introducing a new grading system in 2022. The chief purpose of the new system is to provide accurate assessment of student performance and help recognize the best-performing students.

The new method will be based on the numerical series 0-100 instead of the letter grading system A-F. The percentages over 60% indicate a good pass and 90–100% will denote a higher degree of proficiency in the subject.

The grading system also has an achievement indicator to help distinguish students’ abilities for further studies and career enjoyment. This indicator will indicate the students’ ability to think, reasoning and apply oneself to the subject and will be available for science and mathematics-oriented curriculum.

WAEC has also put in place a module-based assessment system to recognize the importance of different modules of a course and assess each one separately. The modules will be grouped into two parts—core and elective. An average of the two parts will form the overall grade for the course.

The new WAEC grading system should ensure uniform and fair grading for all students regardless of their background or socio-economic conditions. WAEC is also introducing new measures to ensure that cheating doesn’t occur during tests or assessments and that the grading is unbiased.

The new system is an effort by WAEC to become a leader in the quality of education in West Africa. It is likely to result in improved student performance and will help create a better educational system overall.

This article was written by an independent freelance writer.

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