fiji year 12 exam results 2023 – year 12 exam results 2023



Fiji Year 12 Exam Results 2023

Fiji is preparing for the third round of Year 12 exams, scheduled to be held in 2023. The results of these tests will be extremely important for determining the college and university admissions, career paths and futures of students across the entire nation.

The Structure

The Year 12 exams in Fiji are administered by the Fiji Examination Council and consist of course-specific end-of-year examinations which are taken by students who have completed the relevant program of study.

These exams have been designed to assess the level of knowledge each student has acquired over the duration of the course, and provide an indication of their capabilities for further study and higher education. Each exam is marked based on a pass/fail system, and students must pass all tests taken in order to progress from high school to university.

Guidance and Support

The Fijian government’s Department of Education has been actively providing guidance and support to students in their preparation for the 2023 Year 12 exams. This includes the provision of resources such as textbooks, study guides and websites, as well as tuition by teaching staff and other professionals.

The department also provides seminars and workshops to equip students with the skills and knowledge to successfully pass their exams and move into tertiary studies.

Exam Prep Tips

To best prepare for the Year 12 exams in 2023, there are a few things students should keep in mind:

    • Be Organised – Start studying early and establish a plan for tackling course material. Use notes and to-do lists to help.


    • Practice – Take practice tests online or with past papers to increase familiarity with the timing, styles and types of questions.


    • Get Adequate Rest – Make sure to get plenty of rest in the lead up to the exam. Stress and exhaustion can result in mistakes and poor performance.


    • Stay Positive – Don’t let the exams become overwhelming or intimidating. Approach them with confidence and the right attitude, and focus on the successes each step of the way.



The Fiji Examination Council will then assess each student’s results, and a national announcement of the Year 12 exam scores will be made in late 2023.

Armed with the right attitude and preparation, it is certain that all and any of the nation’s students will be well equipped and ready to achieve their very best when the year 12 exams are held. The Fiji Year 12 Exam Results of 2023, released by the Fiji Education Ministry, show that students have achieved excellent results nationally. The improved performance of students this year is particularly remarkable, as the challenging conditions of the global COVID-19 pandemic have made it difficult for all students worldwide to pursue their studies.

The exam results reveal that more than 90 percent of the students who sat for the exams achieved a grade of “A” to “E” at the national level, and nearly 83 percent of them achieved a grade of “A” or higher.

These results are a testament to the commitment and dedication of all students, teachers and school staff, who worked hard to prepare students for the big decision in their education future.

This year, females outperformed males at the national level, with a higher percentage of females achieving a grade of “A” or higher.

At the school level, approximately 18 percent of schools achieved a general percentage of higher than 90 percent for grades of “A” to “E”.

The remarkable improvement in Fiji Year 12 Exam Results is an indication that the education system in Fiji is advancing significantly. It is a testament to the commitment of all stakeholders involved in the education of young people, who strive to ensure that their students reach their full potential.

The Minister for Education has praised the huge effort by all involved, and expressed hope that the 2023 exam results are a further indicator of positive progress in the education system in Fiji.

We congratulate everyone involved in producing these fantastic results, and wish all the students who sat for their Year 12 examinations every success in their future endeavours.

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